
11 of October of 2017

Tabapuã cattle will be exhibited at Expo Rio Preto

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The Junqueira Rodas Group, one of the most important Brazilian agribusinesses, will be present at the 55th edition of Expo Rio Preto – “Tradition, Technology and Business” to show the Tabapuã cattle. The Group holds the birthplace of the breed.

The species is genuinely Brazilian and originates from the homonymous city in the São Paulo state. The group selected 13 animals, seven females and six males, for the event. Among them is the Urro FIV de Tabapuã, a great champion in Dourados-MS, Araruama-RJ and in Sanclerlândia-GO

The Livestock manager of the Junqueira Rodas Group, Paulo Camargo, explains that the breed stands out among the zebu. According to researches, the reproductive cows present high indices of maternal ability, the female at 18 or 20 months presents more than 60% of fertility. The good production of milk helps the calves to reach 200 kg by weaning, superior performance compared to other zebus.

The precocity of the race makes Tabapuã a weight champion at 205 days and cultivate the advantage throughout raising. The slaughter can be performed at 30 months, while the Nelore, for example, is slaughtered only after 40 months. In addition, the breed is mild and does not lose weight in vaccinations, transports and weighings.

“Another important point of Tabapuã is the owl character. The animals are able to perpetuate the qualities and discard defects in subsequent generations. The characteristics make the breed more advantageous for the producer, “explains Paulo.

The Tabapuã cattle arrive at the São José do Rio Preto Exhibition Center for the Expo on Tuesday (10). The next day, they perform the weighing and ultrasonography. For the contest judgement, on Thursday (12), the presence of the President of the Brazilian Association of Zebu Breeders (ABCZ), Arnaldo Manuel de Souza Machado Borges, is confirmed. The event will be held from October 11th to 15th.

About the Junqueira Rodas Group

Founded in 1968, the Junqueira Rodas Group, one of the largest in Brazilian agribusiness, is a producer of orange, sugar cane and Tabapuã cattle. The operations are distributed over 13,271 hectares divided into 12 properties in the state of São Paulo and one in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. Over four years, more than R$ 123 million were invested in crops and livestock, doubling annual revenues in this period.

Orange is the company’s main product, marketed in natura for juice production. There are 2,087,670 trees planted in 4,269 hectares; the record harvest is 3,600,000 boxes, registered in the 2014/2015 cycle. The production of sugarcane reached 225,000 tons in the last harvest. The sugarcane plantations are in 3,837 hectares of the Group. The Farm Água Milagrosa, located in the city of Tabapuã, contains the 1,300 Tabapuã cattle. The genuinely Brazilian breed is used for fertilization and genetic improvement.

55th edition of Expo Rio Preto
Date: from 11th to 15th of October
Place: Exhibition Center