Our principles
For us, sustainability is a principle. Our goals and values include deep-rooted environmental, social and economic responsibility policies, ensuring a sustainable and effective production. We apply technologies that aid in minimizing impacts on the environment. We appreciate our employees and promote visits and activities in the community to effectively contribute with the development of the region we find ourselves.
We're guardians of nature and the wealth of our land. Everyday we invest in innovations that diminish the impacts caused and provide benefits to the environment. For irrigation we apply drip and micro-drip irrigation techniques, reducing water consumption up to 40% and energy up to 50% with regard to sprinkling. In our farms we use only accredited products and in accordance with the enviromental legislation, observing the proper storage and packaging disposal. We also stir up the soil regularly, allowing replantation and ensuring a better conservation of our soil.
Our units are spread over different municipalities in São Paulo and Mato Grosso do Sul states. We do want to impact positively all the regions we carry on our activities. That's why we perform some important activities, with the aim of encouraging the environmental preservation and linkage with the rural areas, promoting visits with children from public and private schools. The doors of our farms are also open students of technical education and universities, who often perform research on our products and in our green area. This is how we raise awareness on the care with nature, present the quality of our production and farming and include the population in the Junqueira Rodas Group's activities.
With responsibility we offer essential and positively accepted services to the market. We respect all governing tax, labor and consumer legislation. We care about transparency in all business with partners, employees, suppliers and customers. Thus, ensuring, with commitment, an actual positive income.